Guide for Authors

Important points before submitting the article:

Journal language

The language of the publication is Persian and English, respectively.

Scientific conditions

1- The article should be the result of research and scientific research of the author or authors.

2- The article must be original and innovative.

3- In writing the article, the method of scientific research should be observed and valid and authentic sources should be used.

4- The article should be analytical, critical and at the same time original; Therefore, translation and compilation have no place in this quarterly.

How to review articles ‌

Received articles will first be reviewed by the editorial board; If deemed appropriate, they will be sent to expert judges for evaluation. For the sake of impartiality, the names of the authors are removed from the articles. After receiving the opinions of the judges, the received results will be presented to the editorial board and if it obtains sufficient points, the article will be accepted for publication.

Article writing conditions

In terms of writing, the article should have a strong and solid structure and the principles of eloquence and rhetoric should be observed in writing it.

The article should be arranged as follows:

A- The title of the article should be short and expressive of the content of the article.

B- The details of the author or authors (name and surname, academic rank, address and contact number and e-mail address of the author) and the details of the person in charge of correspondence should be sent in a separate file.

D- Persian and English abstracts should be a maximum of 15 lines. The abstract should have 5 separate sections including: purpose, research methodology, findings, conclusion and keywords.

Persian and English keywords are the same and a maximum of six words.

The introduction should include the background of the research and its sources, in a way that prepares the reader to enter the main discussion.

The main body of the article should include the discussion of the research hypothesis / hypotheses and the presentation of appropriate analyzes on the subject.


Bibliography (all sources must be translated into English)

Author name in Latin with academic rank

3- In-text references should be mentioned in parentheses, respectively: author's family name (reputation), year and page; Example (Ahmadian, 2001, vol. 2, p. 275)

4‌-‌ How to set references in the article bibliography:. Book: Surname of the author, name, (year of publication), title of the Italic book, name and surname of the translator, place of publication, publisher.

5- How to set references to the journal in the bibliography:

Surname, name, (year of publication), title of the article, name of the journal in italics, period, (issue): number of pages in the journal.

6- Internet sites:

Author surname, author name (last date and time), subject title "Inside the quote", name and URL in italics.

7- The article should be arranged in a maximum of 20 pages of 23 lines. The maximum number of words in the article is 6500 to 8000 words, otherwise the article will not be deleted and reviewed.

8- Specific names and Latin terms and foreign compounds should be mentioned after the conclusion and before the sources.

9- This quarterly is free to accept or reject the article as well as to edit it.

10- Submitted articles will not be returned in any way.

Initial admission requirements

1- The article should have the characteristics of the second paragraph "scientific conditions" and should be adjusted according to the fourth paragraph "conditions of writing the article" and should be sent in typed form in XP 2007Word program with B Badr13 font.

2- Dissertation articles must have the approval of the tutor.

3- The author must undertake not to submit this article to any other journal at the same time and not to submit it to other journals until its task is specified in the quarterly journal of the Islamic Revolution.

Article submission fee:

Pursuant to Note 3 of Article 9 of the Regulations of Scientific Journals of the country approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology on 11/8/90 and approved by the Editorial Board of the Quarterly, one million Rials from the authors of articles for judging and editing articles and in case The final acceptance of the article and electronic publication will receive two million rials.

Very important points:

Submissions will be reviewed by peer-reviewed experts and the Scientific Committee before being submitted for review, and may be rejected at this stage for no fee.
Of course, the deposit will not constitute acceptance of the article and the submitted article may be rejected at the judging stage and the deposit amount will not be refundable in any way.
The payment deadline will be notified to the responsible author by the publication office through the system and the article will be placed in the "Articles sent to the author for payment" section on the personal page of the responsible author. Please do not pay before this step.
Payment information is as follows:
5.1. The amount of one million rials for initial admission and two million rials for final admission

5.2. Account in the name of the Institute of the Scientific Association of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, No. 1531105806 of Tejarat Bank.

5.3. In the deposit slip, enter the code for the article ... Journal ... (Be sure to write the article code and the name of the journal.)

5.4. After the article has been placed in the "Articles sent to the author for payment" section on the personal page of the responsible author, scan and upload the deposit receipt in the relevant section.

5.5. Keep the original deposit slip with you until you receive the acceptance letter and schedule the printout.



Dear authors, in order to follow up on the submitted articles, the response time is 9 to 11, and otherwise the quarterly office is not responsible. (If you do not have an answer, please do not send an SMS to: 0990638083)

In order to send the article to the Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Research, it is recommended that the authors of the article writing method, which is mentioned in the authors' guide section, be fully observed; ا