Media Strategies for Making Credible the Efficiency of the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


researcher. Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting


Since the beginning of the fourth decade of the revolution, the efficiency of the "Islamic Republic" has been one of the main issues which have been seriously considered. The appearance of some mismanagement along with the focus of the hostile policies of the enemies on the implementation of the strategy of "inefficiency of the Islamic Republic" has strengthened the suspicion of the inefficiency of the Islamic Republic in society. In the face of these measures, the attempt to strengthen the people's belief in the efficiency of the Islamic Republic is a strategic issue for the system, because any doubts and skepticism, causes the crisis of secondary legitimacy and ultimately leads to shake in the pillars of its acceptance in public opinion. In this regard, the media is the most important platform for awareness and influence to strengthen people's belief in the efficiency of the system. The purpose of this study is to provide credible media solutions for showing the efficiency of the Islamic Revolution. The research is a qualitative research and has been done by interview method. Some of the results of this research are included: "Pathology of wrong government policies and highlighting the results of these policies in people's lives", " Rational and realistic critique of the activities of different parts of the system", "Raising the level of awareness and analysis of people on society's issues in different areas", "Promoting public demands to achieve the goals of the Islamic Revolution", "Strengthening the culture of demanding efficient management at the community level and not being indifferent to the performance of officials", "Creating a culture of the need for accountability of officials and institutions to the people ”.


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