Discourse Analysis of the Statement of the Second Step of the Islamic Revolution: The need to create a behavioral system for inclusive action

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Management, School of Education and Psychology, Shiraz University


Discourse Analysis of the Statement of the Second Step of the Islamic Revolution:
The need to create a behavioral system for inclusive action
The purpose of the present study is to analyze the discourse of the statement of the second step of the revolution in order to create a behavioral system for action. This research is qualitative and discourse analysis in terms of design and is among the basic researches in terms of purpose and has been done by content analysis method. In the present study, the field of research of the text of the statement of the second step of the revolution and the analysis has been done based on this document. In order to validate the research data, concepts such as reliability, defensibility and trustworthiness were used. The research findings indicate that the discourse of the second step of the revolution as a behavioral system can be explained in the form of conceptual, structural and functional themes. Therefore, the conceptual dimension includes components such as understanding the meaning of the second step of the revolution, purpose, necessity and solutions. In the structural dimension, components such as strategic orientation, organizational plan and cultural context are important. Finally, in the functional dimension, components including main (central) activities, contextual actions and performance considerations can be explained. Considering the Supreme Leader's emphasis on the implementation of the statement of the second step of the revolution and the necessity of using a practical model, and on the other hand, due to the lack of a behavioral system for inclusive action, the behavioral system presented in this study and its practical implications can be Examine the basics for action.


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