Youthfulness in the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, relying on Quranic and narrative principles

Document Type : Original Article




The present article seeks to explain the necessity of youth in the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, based on verses and hadiths, and its main question is that the Qur'anic principles and the narrative of youth in the thought of the Supreme Leader in the pillars of the Islamic Republic What is it? The result of this study shows that the most important reasons for the necessity of youthfulness, according to the statements of the Supreme Leader that youthfulness is considered a matter of course; Preventing the cessation of the generation of the revolution, following the example of the Holy Prophet, the continuation of creativity and modernity, the progress of the country, responsibility for the young generation, achieving a desirable future, indefatigability of the young, pure nature and awareness and insight of the young summed up. Also, the Quranic principles and the narration of the necessity of youthfulness have been examined in this article, which confirms the above components. On the contrary, if the officials do not pay attention to youthfulness, we may witness the cessation of the generation of the revolution, while in the thought of the leadership, special emphasis has been placed on the preservation and continuation of the generation of the revolution, and this is important in their speeches and meetings. It is crystallized. It seems that each of these components can be considered as an independent reason for the necessity of youthfulness. Explaining the need for youthfulness can help motivate relevant officials to employ young people. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical along with library studies.


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