Examining the Quranic Documents and the Validity of the Statements of the Supreme Leader of the "Trap of Great Shame" on the Realization of Political and Social Justice

Document Type : Original Article



Considering that the realization of justice is one of the main demands of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution in the statement of the second step of the Revolution, it is necessary to study the Quranic documents and their validity in the statements of the Supreme Leader. The purpose of researching the Qur'anic documents and the narration of this issue is to motivate the establishment of justice in society and to follow the instructions of the Supreme Leader. The main question of the present article is what are the Quranic documents and the narration of the statements of the Supreme Leader "Damat Barakat" about the realization of justice in the political and social dimensions? With the analytical-inferential method of the words of the Leader of the Revolution, it can be said: Islam is the builder of justice and absolute justice, the ray of Islam and the full realization of justice is based on the political thought of Islam; Among the findings of research and documentation of the political dimension of justice is the sermon (126) of Nahj al-Balaghah: "You ask me to achieve victory and success in politics at the cost of oppression and the violation of the rights of weak people !? And among the documents of the social dimension of justice is verse (90) of Surah An-Nahl: "Surely God commands the administration of justice and goodness." According to this study, Islamic politics seeks to achieve various dimensions of justice and bring human beings to a good life, and a rationalistic nature is based on the preservation of human rights and dignity, to provide the basis for human salvation. Legitimate divine sovereignty is also a solution for the implementation of Islamic justice and the solution of material and spiritual problems of human beings, and the realization of this important thing is possible in a monotheistic society.
