Deepening spirituality in the statement of the second step of the revolution

Document Type : Original Article


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The Islamic Revolution has reached the second step in its path. This step has three levels of humanization, socialization and civilization, each of which in three directions of theorizing, modeling and strategy, evoke the future perspective of the Islamic Revolution. They have expressed the generalities of this step and in different lectures they have expressed its different dimensions. Therefore, it is necessary to explain and describe these layers and its various dimensions with the aim of accurately identifying the path. The main question of the present study is how the process of deepening spirituality can be formulated based on the step statement? As a result, in order to achieve the answer, it collects information in the form of a library and examines them in a descriptive-analytical way. The forces of the revolution are in the direction of establishing a new Islamic civilization and laying the groundwork for the age of emergence.
