The role of seminaries in spreading the values and ideals of the Islamic revolution (based on diffusion theory)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor at Bu-Ali Sina University

2 Graduated from the three seminaries of Hamedan


(Field of research:) The Islamic Revolution of Iran was the biggest event and transformation of the last century, which due to its origin, type of formation and consistency; It has its own values and ideals, the spreading of which is the duty of all institutions related to the Islamic system. As the seminaries are one of the origins of the revolution and have a fundamental role in this field.
(Method and purpose:) The present study, with a descriptive analytical method and with the framework of diffusion theory, seeks to explain the role of seminaries in spreading the values and ideals of the Islamic Revolution.
(Findings:) The threefold communication system of "theological fields; Islamic Revolution; "values" in the form of broadcasting factors and types were examined and analyzed, and while examining related words, four indicators of the Islamic revolution were explained: "independence and freedom; being popular; inclusiveness; Defending the oppressed of the world". Due to the origin of the Islamic Revolution and the deep connection between the seminaries and the clergy with the people, the expansion of the values and ideals of the Islamic Revolution requires the continuation of the role of the seminaries.
(Results:) The researches showed that the continuity of role-playing depends on special cognitive, behavioral and instrumental requirements and it is necessary to plan in the three fields of encountering the domain with "self, people and strangers". In the internal dimension of the field, "awareness of current issues, innovation and foresight" and "education and training of thoughtful and province-oriented students" are necessary, and in the external field, "populism", "creating a cultural role, political and social" and "protecting Islamic and revolutionary rituals" as well as "anti-arrogance and negation of foreign domination" are taken into consideration.


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