The Relationship between the Behaviors of Western Civilization with Islamic Awakening Based on the Viewpoint of Haji Agha Mojtahed-e Shirazi as the Representative of Constitutional Movement


1 Member of Scientific Board, University of Shiraz

2 Ph.D student of Iran's post-Islamic history, University of Shiraz, International Branch


The current article studies the relationship between the behaviors of two important phenomena in international system in twentieth century, one of which has emanated from Christianity called "western civilization" and the other is rooted in Islam based on political viewpoints of Haji Agha Mojtahed-e Shirazi. Haji Agha Shirazi analyzes western civilization as the dominant power and Islamic world as an oppressed and under pressure ummah [nation]. He believes that west has neglected the primary reason of reaction namely "belittlement" of nations and based on this, he predicts a definite "great Islamic awakening" in twentieth century in reaction to the behavior of western civilization. This article’s main inquiry is to study whether this Islamic movement can fit into the victory of Islamic revolution of Iran led by Imam Khomeini (PBUH). Findings of this article indicate that characteristics and objectives of this movement fit those of Islamic revolution.
