Political trust in the multimedia society (With emphasis on the role of national media in the political trust of the citizens of the Islamic Republic)


1 Faculty member of Allameh Tabatabai University communications (RA)

2 PhD student in political science at Allameh Tabatabai University (RA) and a member of the faculty of political science PNU


Political trust is Intellectual and the outcome of a political community of citizens' attitudes in relation to the behavior and nature of the political system and prediction of the future of the political system. A significant part of sense of political trust takes place in the media competition or is subject to change.This study seeks to answer this question in today's multimedia world where citizens are subjected to multiple how come media's political trust? Have basically pluralist media environment an effective role in the political trust? What is the nature and quality of the political trust generated in this space? Research findings show that in the multimedia, to generate and strengthen political trust in dynamic society of Iran which has diverse political tendencies, Subtleties and strategies of the media trust should be taken and maintain and strengthen the authority of the national media for selector citizen. Strengthen the reputation and authority of the internal official media will follow enhance political trust of Iranian citizens in the political system of the country.
