The Role of cultural diplomacy in The spread of the Islamic Revolution of Iran


Branch of Islamic Azad University faculty member Dr. Baqer Qom University of Political Science


Despite more than three decades of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the leaders of the revolution, the policy emphasis on the revolution has not achieved the desired aim for. (History), so check why the revolution has been slow and the solutions that need to accelerate this (issue)
certain Arab nations to strengthen the influence of Iran on the Islamic awakening in the Middle East and North Africa offer. ( Goal(
This article is based on descriptive Ali is based on the effect of exporting the Islamic Revolution Mtsql cultural diplomacy as the dependent variable is measured. (Method)
The article stressed that the cultural component of national power is more effective than other components, cultural diplomacy strategy has been useful in achieving the objective. In this regard various aspects of cultural diplomacy has also been introduced, including diplomacy, media, science, sports, pilgrimage and religious rites and city diplomacy. (Results)
