Strategies of “Otherness Making” of America in Discourses of Iran Foreign Policy after Islamic Revolution


Assistant Professor of International Relations PNU


Presense of U.S.A as an “Other” or “Hostile” have been one of the permanent and identifier factor dominates over Iran foreign policy after Islamic revolution. Shadow of this other has been so serious that overshadowed almost all of process of Iran diplomacy in post revolution era.Patterns for deteminig of some dichotomies such as:friendship/hostility,intergration/fragmentation, coalition/disunion, would be designed just with consideration of this other.Bounders for own/other,patriot/disloyal, native/stranger, defiant/traitor, would not be drawned unless after consideration of this other. Not any study, project and decision in Iran diplomacy would be organized unless with the some conception of this other. The main hypothesis of article is to consider U.S otherness as the common concern and as “point de caption” of different discourses after Islamic revolution of Iran which has –although with different methods-led to a kind of unity in Iran foreign policy as a hegemonic discourse.
