Historico-Epystemological Evidences of Imam Khomeini`s View on the Essence of Teaching Shiite Foundation in Iran


1 Assistant professor at Tarbiat Modares University.

2 AM of Shi`ite history


The twofold of Shi`ism and Iranian national identity have been viewed differently. The paper has taken the same view
as Imam Khomeini`s on appearance of Shiism in Iran by scholars` leading and teaching during the process of time, not
by Safavid`s force and obligation; though having established Shi`ism as the formal religion and Shi`ite national identity in Iran turned to governmental and administrative dicisions. Yet, Shi`it scholars` educational and leading policies had
began and spread the Shiite national identity before Safavid kingdom and, then, were more spread and rooted by Safavid
cultural policies and scholars` confirmation and propagation. Therefore, one may not consider Safavid kingdom as the
cause of Shiism`s establishment; rather, Safavid dynasty itself and Shi`ite nationality were founded and rooted in the
shadow of Shi`ite scholars` educational and guidance and, epistemologically, socially and politically objectified in various and different components.
