A comparative study of the government’s goals of justice In the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran and the Nahj al-Balagha

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Hamadan, Iran


Achieving justice has always been one of the long-lasting hopes of mankind. The basis for the present study is, on the one hand, different perspectives on the meaning, position and method of establishing and implementing justice by government and, on the one hand, the scope of the issue of justice in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Nahj al-Balagha and the implications of the theoretical frameworks and the governmental methods of these two sources. This article seeks to answer the question of the commonality of these two valuable texts about the goals of justice in the government and believes that both have the same view about justice and methods of finding it out. In this regard, while briefly analyzing the position, meaning and scope of justice, the comparative study of these two sources in the field of justice in various areas of government, has come to the conclusion that both see justice as one of the objectives of the government and both have a meaningful link and a similar look. Considering these qualities individually in three areas of political, social and economic justice, can be measured as the findings and innovations of the present research. Details of these three areas are: political justice, such as: meritocracy, the defense of the rights of all Muslims, denial of domination-taking and domination-accepting; social justice, such as: human dignity, freedom of expression and beliefs and equality if human beings, including men and women, Muslims and non-Muslims, and different ethnic groups in the enjoyment of their rights; Economic justice, such as: equal enjoyment of human beings from public property, equal distribution of facilities throughout the Islamic country.


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