The Role of Ethics in Islamic Government Elections

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Education and Thought, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Election ethics is a type of political ethics and subcategory of applied ethics. Applying it, it can guide the community towards choosing the best. Elections in democratic systems legitimize the organization, content and political behavior of
society. Ethical elections are one of the most obvious manifestations of moral policy, and moral policy is the culmination of many values and virtues of social ethics. In this research, we have used an analytical method based on ethical charter, on the legitimacy of the role of the people's vote in the Islamic government and its legitimacy, verses, narrations, reason of wisdom, constitution and essential rights books. Our research indicates that there is no contradiction between the
implementation of the rules of the law and the rational demands of the people, and since the power seat in the divine system is for service, it should not be used by whatever means to achieve it. Since there are several challenges faced by the people involved in the election, and more than thirty moral punishment slippage them, the
rights of the electoral ethics of different countries will be introduced in the seven clauses and in the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the form of fourteen articles and twenty clauses.


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