Investigation of Security Authority in Imam Khomeini's Security School of Thought


1 MA in Islam's Political Thought

2 Associate Professor, Academy of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution


Since domestication of security, defining indexes and compiling strategies for security in Iran requires a new look at Imam Khomeini's security school of thought, this article tries to study Imam Khomeini's viewpoints and ideas on security and investigate sources of security in his school of thought. Findings of this research indicate that sources of security in Imam Khomeini's security school of thought can be realized in two subjective and objective levels such that Islam is considered as basic source of security in Imam Khomeini's security school of thought. Objectively, Islamic republic as the idea of an Islamic state, institutions of government (welayat-e faqih, three branches of state and clergies) and people as social bases of Islam's political system are among security sources in Imam Khomeini's security school of thought.
