Methodology of Imam Khomeini's (PBUH) Political Thought

Document Type : Original Article



Imam Khomeini (PBUH) is among the researchers, jurisprudents, theologians and scholars who have taken a
methodic approach to research in different arenas. Since politics with human as its subject matter considers all
aspects of his guidance, Imam Khomeini's (PBUH) works have plural methods. Methodologically speaking, Imam
Khomeini's (PBUH) political thought is of multiple aspects and based on all epistemological resources and tools he
takes into accounts. Therefore the main inquiry of this article is to explain Imam Khomeini's (PBUH) in his
political thought. Studying his works, we can figure out that philosophical, theological and polemical arguments,
jurisprudential deduction as well as ethical, interpretive and historical methods are so important that there is no
way to have a proper understanding of Imam Khomeini's (PBUH) political thought but through learning these
methods and how they are applied.
