Grounds for the Transformation of Shiite Clerics' Political Approach and Establishment of a Political System

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of the Scientific Board, Bu-Ali Sina University.

2 PhD student in the History of Islamic Revolution of Iran


The current article studies the most important developments in Iranian clerical movement during
Pahlavid era. An important question that is raised here is that how has Iranian clerical movement transformed at
the final stages of Pahlavid dynasty under Imam Khomeini's leadership? Another question is that what
were the impacts exerted by the change in political approach on the future of this movement? Findings of the
article indicate that clerical movement had transformed from anti-politics or non-participation approach to
necessity of engagement in political issues by Imam Khomeini's leadership and his doctrine of welayat-e
faqih. This change finally led to formation, establishment and sustainment of Islamic republic of Iran.
