Interaction between Political Participation and National Security from Imam Khomeini's Viewpoint


Associate Professor, Shiraz University


Imam Khomeini searches the main infrastructure of security and its material and immaterial aspects in the domain of spiritual security and divine faith. He considers provision of security and peace as the objective of the government which entails transcendence, spiritual journey and divine guidance toward God. It also paves the ground to pay attention to God and worship Him and to go on a journey toward Him. From this perspective, only a ruling system which is just and fair with divine and ethical motives based on spiritual values can enforce security and control the society. This is the same ruling system sought by prophets and it will not be implemented without people's participation and their consolidating role. Therefore, the primary goal of establishing a political system is to implement a monotheistic society based on spiritual security and faith in God. People's participation and interaction will be a supplement and a tool to achieve this transcendental goal. This participation is kind of a responsibility and an obligation by shari'a [religious law] for everyone.
