Comparing the Theory of Charismatic Authority to Imam Khomeini's Leadership


Associate professor, Faculty of Islamic Knowledge and Political sciences


Charismatic domination means loyalty of the masses to the leader's person. Charisma disrupts the continuity of political life, legitimate or illegitimate, destroys the institutions censures the current order and normal social pressures and calls to a new understanding of the relations among humans. The main inquiry of this article is as follows: is it possible to understand and analyze Imam Khomeini's charismatic power by the theory of charismatic authority or not? Imam Khomeini's personality made him charismatically prominent in the course of Islamic revolution of Iran. In fact, one of the primary factors in the victory of Islamic revolution of Iran has been having Imam Khomeini as its leader. Imam Khomeini applied all his resources and powers to mobilize people putting them vigorously before  Shah to disrupt his domination and establish an Islamic government. Imam Khomeini's personality manifests as a religious, political and revolutionary leader who carries the agony of the oppressed who is in fact the realization of people's aspirations leading them on a clear and right path. Analyzing the theory of charismatic authority (Weber) this article also analyzes sources and aspects of Imam Khomeini's charismatic power and studies these two analyses in a comparative format at the end.
