Reviewing Common Grounds and Reasons of Developments in Arab World 2011-2012 (Case Study of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain)


1 Assistant professor, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Tehran University.

2 MA of regional studies (middle-eastern studies), Tehran University

3 MA student of regional studies, Tehran University


Purple revolution in Tunisia started at the end of 2010 becoming the origin of profound developments in 2011 and 2012 first result of which was the toppling of dictators in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Public protests were still unabated after the collapse of dictators and are continued by putting forth new requests. This article tries to answer this question that what are the common grounds and reasons of the formation of recent public uprisings in the Arab world (2011-2012)? The hypothesis put forth to answer this question is this: protests and current developments in the Arab world depend on common factors such as the closed political atmosphere, despotism of political
systems, dependence of these rulers to supra regional powers,  economic difficulties and challenges like poverty, unemployment and inflation caused by these inefficient ruling systems, their fight against Islam and their reconciliation process with Zionist regime.
