Islamic Revolution of Iran and Islamic Awakening in Yemen with an Emphasis on Alhouthi Movement


1 Associate professor, Political Sciences, Allame Tabataba'e University.

2 MA in Political Sciences, Allame Tabataba'e University.


With a redefinition of a set of religious and Islamic values and teachings, Islamic revolution of Iran has created a wave of
tendency toward religion and Islam in the region whose spiritual achievements and perceptive transformation can be witnessed with recent uprisings and protests of people in middle-east and North Africa three decades after the revolution. Uprisings that created a new wave of Islamic awakening is emanated from and inspired by Islamic revolution of Iran. Therefore this article studies the impacts of Islamic revolution of Iran on Islamic awakening in Yemen with an emphasis on alhouthi movement as a major anti-government movement. This paper believes that the victory of Islamic revolution of Iran has made Zeidi Shiites in northern Yemen wake up and establish a group called Houthes and rise against domestic and foreign arrogance dominant in the country and finally with the company of all anti-Salih groupsdisplace him from power and pave the way for the implementation of their other legitimate requests primarily the
permeation of Quran and Islamic rules in the context of the  society, improvement and progress of economy and cutting the hand of western and regional powers from the country's resources.
