The Relation between Political Representation with Attorneyship in Islamic Jurisprudence


1 Assistant Professor, Tehran University.

2 MA student of Teaching Islamic Ma'aref, sub-discipline of ethics.


With the introduction of the term political representation during the constitutional movement, several discussions
have been put forth about the nature of political representation the most important of which is whether it
is synonymous with attorneyship or not. In a general division viewpoints of scholars in this regard can be
divided into two main groups. Those people who accept the shar'i attorneyship of political representation and
those who oppose this concept. They include five other assumptions each should be discussed in its due position.
According to the results obtained from the study of these viewpoints and their implications, political representation
can't be accepted as shar'i attorneyship in jurisprudence. However it can be accepted under other subjects such as
consultancy for wali faqih or other sections of jurisprudence.
