The Internal Political Challenges of the Islamic Revolution in the Understood of Imam Khomeini

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Graduate Student, Sociology of Revolution, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


The main question of this research is that “what are the internal political challenges of the Islamic Revolution in the thought of Imam Khomeini?” To answer this question, the Imam's political thought was studied in the framework of the Springer Crisis Theory, which has four stages: observing of incidence and crisis, the identification of causes, the image of the ideal society, and the provision of solutions and curing. According to the research findings, the main problems and crises of the Islamic Revolution in the internal dimension that could injury the revolution and the Islamic system from inside are the tripartite forces that are considered to be the pillars of the system: weaken and destroy each other, lack of independence and assertiveness in practice, law-braking and not paying attention to the law. Non-compliance with Islam and its rulings (non-compliance with Islamic laws), ineffectiveness of the political system, lack of legitimacy and acceptance of the political system, are forces that create these crises and can be the most important and the main causes and factors of this crisis and challenges. The ideal of Imam Khomeini to eliminate these problems is to build an ideal society in which the establishment of social justice, the acquisition of independence and assertiveness, the establishment of law and the maintenance of Islamic rules are formed. Finally, Imam Khomeini outlines these solutions for the resolution of crises and problems: the practice of Islam and Islamic rulings, the rule of law, and people-devotion. This research has used the document analysis method to collect relevant documents.


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