Exploring Strategies to Prevent Destabilization the Soft Power of the Islamic Revolution’s Leader by Relying on Quranic Teachings

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of the Department of Islamic Education, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Faculty member of Islamic Education, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, Iran


In Islamic teachings, leadership has been introduced as the pillar of the Islamic society and command the Islamic Ummah to come to the leader in crisis and be safe of the conspiracy of enemies. Decades of experience of the Islamic Republic has clearly demonstrated the role of Imam Khomeini and Supreme Leader in managing crises. This has led the enemies to seek to undermine the soft power of the leadership of the Islamic Revolution and try to make some distances between the public about their acceptance and make some hesitations between them. Now, the question arises: What do people have to do when the enemies target the dignity of leadership and undermine his power to control and manage crises? In other words, who defends the position of the leader and in what way should he be defended? The present research compares the methods that today's enemies use to weaken the soft power of Islamic leadership, by comparing the methods used by enemies against the prophets which referred to in the Qur'an, and concluded that the methods of enemies against the divine leaders from time to time have been in similar frameworks.
Accordingly, in the present study, to address the conspiracy of weakening the soft power of leadership, the solutions that the Qur'an has used to defend the prophets have been considered. Finally, the result was that, first, according to the Qur'anic method, the weakening of leadership should not be discontinued in any circumstances, and the Islamic Ummah is obliged to defend the position of leadership, second, the Quranic solutions to the weakening of the soft power of leadership do not follow a single criterion, but the style the Qur'an requires that the enemy's method be identified and analyzed in the first step, and then a clever way appropriate to the conspiracy of the enemy is taken to defend the leadership.


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